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What is our inheritance from God
[ 编辑:admin | 时间:2024-01-16 23:14:45 | 浏览:89次 ]

What is Our Inheritance from God?

Throughout the scriptures, the concept of inheritance is often mentioned, particularly in relation to our relationship with God. But what exactly is this inheritance that we receive from Him? Is it material wealth or something more profound and spiritual? Let's explore what our inheritance from God truly entails.

First and foremost, our inheritance from God is eternal life. This is not just a prolongation of our earthly existence but a complete transformation into a new, spiritual realm. It's an existence free from sin, pain, and death, where we will dwell in the presence of God forever. This promise of eternal life is central to the Christian faith and is what Jesus Christ came to earth to offer us.

Secondly, our inheritance includes a personal relationship with God. Through Jesus Christ, we become children of God and are adopted into His family. This means we have direct access to Him, can call Him "Father," and can expect His love, care, and provision in our lives. This personal relationship with God is what separates Christianity from other religions and philosophies.

Moreover, our inheritance from God includes spiritual gifts and talents. Each of us is uniquely gifted by God for a purpose. These gifts range from speaking in tongues to leadership abilities to artistic talents. They are given to us not for our own glorification but to serve others and build up the body of Christ.

Furthermore, we inherit God's promises. These are not just empty words but sure and steadfast promises that God has made to us. They include promises of protection, provision, guidance, and so much more. As we trust in Him and obey His commands, we can expect these promises to be fulfilled in our lives.

Lastly, our inheritance from God is a share in His glory. This is not something that we can earn or deserve but something that is freely given to us by God. As we draw closer to Him and become more like Him, we will reflect His glory and radiate His love and holiness to the world around us.

In conclusion, our inheritance from God is far more valuable than any earthly possession. It includes eternal life, a personal relationship with God, spiritual gifts and talents, God's promises, and a share in His glory. As Christians, we should cherish this inheritance and strive to live our lives in a way that honors and glorifies God.

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下一篇:Inherit the kingdom of God meaning
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